Tuesday, February 2, 2010

keri the consumer

Would you like the rundown of my social media experience slash life-time use? Yes.

Didn't watch much TV growing up, my parents were the type that thought children should have an "imagination" and get "exercise" and develop a "work ethic" and "people skills." I know, those are big, less-known terms these days, so try to keep up with me.
I got my first e-mail address in grade school and that was COOL. My address was pooh_bear_64. What does the number 64 or the honey loving bear have to do with me? No idea.
One time I had a Myspace page. In high school, when I was lame. Then my boyfriend dumped me and I stalked his new girlfriend on Myspace until it drove me crazy so I deleted my account. That was the end of my Myspace days.
When I got a cellphone in my freshman year of high school the retailer offered me a text messaging package. I mocked him, and said text messaging is lame. I had little idea of what it really was, but it seemed pointless.

Well people, things have changed. Guess how many e-mail addresses I have now? Five. And how many cell phones? Three. Ok just kidding on the phone thing, one is enough. But yeah, I have five e-mail address. I have my personal address, my work address, my Daily Universe address, my "only use when purchasing or signing up for things that will inevitably put you on a mailing list" address.. the reasons go on and on. I even have an email address for when I get married, just in case someone were to steal my first, last and future last name for an email address.

I use my phone, and I even text! It's so convieneint. I'm not opposed to texting in class if its a I'll-fall-asleep-if-I-don't class. I don't text in church and I judge people who do. I call my mom and sisters to chat, but only because they live out of state. Pretty much the phone is a vehicle of relaying messages like "hey, I'm done with class are you coming over" when a text message just wouldn't satisfy me.

I use Facebook, I have a Twitter account, but haven't been on it since my teacher assigned it for class. I blog. I use the Internet for HOURS each day for story articles, as a dictionary, to check my mail, banking records, school purposes, reading the news, you name it and the Internet provides it.

I don't watch much TV, but I do love me some Office-athon every now and again, if I can stay awake. Sleep you see, isn't much of a priority. Music- in the car, CD rarely radio, and sometimes listen to my iPod at home.

And that, my friends is the rundown of my media consuming life. I bet it sounds a lot like yours.

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