Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Day by day..

You decided to keep reading! Congratulations. Hopefully this next part puts you to sleep. I am going to keep a log of my media usage today (amount of time spent, which type, why) and post again tomorrow and Thursday to see the variability of my media usage. Wish me luck! (good thing I have a spectacular memory. It's true)

8:00 a.m. my alarm on my cell phone went off ("Good Morning Beautiful")
9ish read my scriptures and the Ensign Magazine
9ish text message conversation with Lance about roommates who feed their TV watching addictions in the morning before class
9:15 listened to Taylor Swift on my iPod
9:30 at work checked three email addresses (work, school and personal)
9:30-12:30 Internet use: Used telephone to call several people for work purposes, Facebook, email, looked up websites for catering for work, text messaging, used Craigslist to post and search housing
1:50 read the Daily Universe Newspaper
2-4 p.m. used phone to call sources for Daily Universe, contacted and interviewed four. Used Internet for email, Facebook, text messaging, checked Blackboard, used Internet to check spelling of several words, learned how to spell bureau, transferred pictures from jumpdrive to computer, emailed pictures for article
4-6 p.m. used computer in class to make data sheets, checked email, used email and Blackboard, text messaging, used Websites to create databases for class assignment
6:30 p.m. made this blog.

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